How to choose the right sprinkler for your yard

Were you aware that the irrigation of land accounts for almost 33% of all residential water usage (a staggering seven billion gallons every single day)? I’m guessing you weren’t; therefore, you may be a little surprised at the amount of water that is used for that purpose…

…but where do yard sprinklers come into this? Well, they are used to keep lawns looking pristine and vegetation and plants looking lush - something you’re no doubt interested in if you’re currently reading this article. Keeping your yard looking immaculate is not an easy feat, so having a yard sprinkler that makes your life easier kind of goes without saying.

The question is, therefore, which yard sprinkler system should you purchase. With so many available on the market, it can be difficult knowing which model to opt for. As we're well aware of the task ahead of you, we decided to put this list together to help you out (aren’t we generous!). So, in today’s piece, we’ll be discussing what you need to take into consideration when buying your next yard sprinkler.

For yard sprinkler reviews, head over to:

Before buying a small yard sprinkler system

There are several elements that need to be taken into consideration prior to buying a sprinkler system.

- What is your budget? Although it is an obvious point to make, always go through your budget and make a list of models that are within your price range. Once you have done this, you can proceed to ascertain which tick the boxes you need them to.
- You must ensure that the capacity your system is able to handle. As a rule of thumb, the larger your yard, the more complicated the system will need to be. If you require a complicated system, are you able to install it yourself or will you need assistance?
- What type of soil do you have? Certain soil types work better with certain types of sprinkler; therefore, carrying out research into this prior to purchase will help you choose the right model and setup for your needs.
- How much water will you need? Although it is difficult to calculate this accurately, we feel it is wise to attempt to do this as some cities and areas may have restrictions on how much water you can use; therefore, you want to ensure that you’re able to provide your yard with sufficient water whilst remaining within any limits that there may be.

Three Most Common Sprinkler Systems

Spray: Perfect for smaller yards that need a lot of water in a short timeframe. Most suited to flat yards and soil that is very absorbent as it will spray out water at a rate of around 4cm per hour.

Rotor head: Those with larger yards and lawns will certainly want to consider a rotor head system. On average they spray around 2.5cm per hour, which works well with less absorbent soils and surfaces.

Drip: Drip spray systems aren’t typically used for entire yards or lawns (unless they’re very small); instead, they’re used on specific areas of foliage or plants. If you have a specific flower bed or area of your yard that requires extra water, a drip system is most definitely worth considering. As you can probably guess from the name, the water drips into the soil rather than being sprayed.

…and there you have it, folks - our guide to choosing the best yard sprinkler for you. Although the above certainly exhaustive (we’d be here all day if we wrote everything we know we’d be here for days!), we think there is enough information to help you on your way.

Thanks for taking the time to read our blog; we really appreciate it!


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